onsdag 6. november 2013

we will let the water fill our lungs and sleep

One of my favourite things to do, is to write nice anonymous messages to people on Tumblr. I mean, it takes very little to put a smile on someone's face, so why not? And if you want to analyse this doing-- it's sort of an egoistic act, because although the ulterior motive is to make someone feel nice, I feel nice about myself by doing it as well. These are the things we don't really think about. Like, when you donate things, give money, etc. You get "something" in return in the form of a feeling. And believe it or not, but a feeling can be more than something material sometimes. Is this too deep shit? Probably. Anyway, the presentation went well today, not that I thought it would be horrible. I just get really nervous about presentations these days. Just because I've not had a proper presentation with a power point and a script since "high school". And that's ages ago. Honestly, I was thinking about being 17 yesterday, and I was thinking "it's not that long ago, feels like yesterday", when it's really three years ago. I'm really growing old, aren't I? Back to the point, I felt really awful yesterday because I had to prepare to the presentation, and whenever I think of actually having a presentation, my stomach becomes uneasy and my heartbeat picks up on speed. Plus Faye wasn't feeling to well yesterday. It's not my case to say, but you know, sometimes your friends feel awful, and you feel so bad about it yourself. And my problem is that I don't know how to console people. It's just, I don't know what to say or do, and then it's just silence. All these feelings were the reason why I read that fan fiction yesterday, and as I had predicted it made me really sob. Just the description of the story made me sad. Anyway, everything went well today, and I found myself sort of wishing that Faye and I was in the other study group we spent so much time with during "praksis". It's just that I remember feeling like everyone had known each other forever, and now in the new study group, everyone's so damn silent. Maybe it's just a process. Give it a little time. I do tend to get attached to people outside my own study group, ha. Oh well. I've decided to dedicate the day to make cards. Like, for birthdays and other events coming up. The picture is of the latest card I made for Volla, who just had her birthday. And then hopefully I'll go to bed early, because I need to catch up on some sleep. Tomorrow is probably (hopefully) spent with the whole kilo-gang for once. In like, ever. And when I say "ever", I genuinely do mean it. I think it might have been almost two months since we've all been gathered for real? Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know. It's really cold out today. Maybe the snow will make an appearance soon. Right, have a nice Wednesday!

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