tirsdag 11. desember 2012

in a bullet-proof vest with the windows all closed

First off, I realised I've got until Friday for my exam. I really thought it was due on Thursday, so I was stressing throughout today. And I told my sister in glee, and she only replied "ah, you shouldn't have found out". And she is right, now I might procrastinate even more. Second, there is something fishy and loads of drama going on with Maker Studios right now (Youtube stuff, I'd suggest you just skip this part). And the only reason why I care about it, is because of Shay Carl who I've been a fan of for a really long time. Although I don't actually watch any of his videos these days, I've always been fond of him as a person. But I've got to say that this is really fishy, and it has made my faith in people bristle a bit. But only a bit, because there are always two sides to a story (or more). And so I'll just wait for everything to be explained. I guess this is why I am glad I only watch British Youtubers at the moment (exception; I do watch one American and a South-African). It's not that much drama. I realise this is very vague, but I can't be bothered to actually make a post about the whole thing, so if you are intrigued, you'll have to do your own research. Third, I want everyone to go listen to See You Soon by Coldplay. Preferably live, because they are awesome. Fourth, you should also go listen to James Arthur winning single - his cover of Impossible by Shontelle. Just because James Arthur is really really great, and he just generally makes every song he covers his. I suppose that's why they are so good too - well, that and his incredible voice. I'm so glad he won X Factor, because I am very skeptical to any talent show on TV. Just because I don't necessarily always think they go for talent, rather just looks and things that sell. And that is really sad, because that sparks the question; what has the world come to. Anyways, I cannot wait for him to record an album. Unless he's gone completely bonkers, I'll probably purchase it. Fifth, these are two of the Christmas ornaments I picked up the other day. Aren't they lovely?

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