torsdag 27. desember 2012

oh, hi, hello, goodbye

Hiiiii. The last few days have been exhausting. And to top it off, yesterday I sort of, kind of, puked. And though it was somewhat fascinating to be able to understand what mechanisms in the body is needed to puke, I was kind of disgusted. Because who likes the feeling of the stomach content be pushed out through your esophagus? Also, I think I sort of, kind of, infected all my family members too. So, to be honest, my day didn’t really start until 3:00 pm, when I finally got the courage to eat something. My stomach was begging me to eat something, whilst my brain was hopelessly trying to avoid it. And avoid any puking in the future. Also, my all my limbs feels weak, and I cannot lift a chair properly. Also, I feel a bit tired. Well, actually, really tired. And I woke up quite a few times last night, rolling around every thirty minutes or so. I did finish reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Shakespeare yesterday. Before getting ill and all. My younger sister’s response was something like – finally. Because it is quite short, and I’ve been “reading” it for quite a time now. Well, a week or so (I did start on it two weeks ago, but considering I had a few exams to study for, I forced myself to put it down). But considering my sister will read a novel in one day, it was too long for her. And well, I’ve just started reading another book now, and she’s moved on to her second book as well, which really is mine. She got it for me for Christmas, and then she proceeds reading it before me. Well, thank you. Oh well, I actually got everything I wished for this Christmas. I wished for Looking for Alaska by John Green (the book I'm currently reading), because it’s all over Tumblr all the time. Also, because I read The Fault In Our Stars by John Green, and because he also is a Youtuber. My sister told me it was sold out in every store, so she had to order it online. And apparently my eldest sisters said something like “oh course she wishes for the book that’s not even in the bookstores”. I also think our sisters think it’s a bit weird that I and my youngest sister wish for books. Because, well, the predictable wish would probably be something else these days. I didn't get that Christmas jumper. But that’s kind of because I never spoke of that wish before Christmas Eve. And then my sister said “I could have knitted you one though”. And I was like “but that takes sooo long time”. And she just kind of scoffed and replied “but it’ll be of quality”. And I couldn’t really argue with that. So now I’m thinking I might wish for it for next year, and avoid purchasing one now. Because, well, I can’t really go around with a Christmas jumper after Christmas, can I? I’m a bit sad Christmas is over, because that also means Vlogmas is over. And then it’s a bit like .. what am I supposed to do to fill this gap? But then I remember I have at least four books to read. My goal is three before the holidays are over. Just because Emma by Jane Austen is a bit trickier to read than the other three on my list, I think I’ll have to skip it for the moment. 

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