fredag 21. desember 2012

life is full of interruptions and complications

I’ve just finished watching Love Actually. And it made me feel quite old, and surprised that DVD’s weren’t around in 2003. Also, I couldn’t help notice that Colin Firth (Mr. Darcy) had yet another love declaration in this movie. Although, I should probably not be too surprised considering it’s a movie about love. Today was another day spent doing Christmas shopping, although this time, I went by myself. And it isn’t until now that I’ve written those words, that I’ve realised how sad it sounds. But to be perfectly honest, I do prefer doing Christmas shopping by myself, because I get more things done then.

I went to Ikea. And I took the bus I used to take all the time to school for the past three years. And it was really amusing, and I cannot believe it's actually been almost a half year since I've taken that bus. After buying what I wanted and needed at Ikea, I went to the bus stop. And as I was waiting for the bus home, a family friend passed and he drove me to the mall, which was really nice of him. Speaking of meeting acquainted people, I just told my friend the other day that I find those situations really awkward. Especially when it’s someone you don’t really know, but know (does this even make any sense??). But then I think I’m just a really awkward person in general. And that I shouldn’t be put in situations like that. However, this person whom I got a lift off today is really nice and non-awkward to talk with. Might have something with the fact that he
does speak Norwegian and not Chinese. After walking around the mall for an hour or so, I went home. Oh, and I also happened to be carrying one of my Christmas presents around at the mall, and it was visible for everyone. And what proceeds to happen? The person the gift is meant for walks by. It looked very much like this person saw me, but then again they walked pass me. So, I can’t be sure. Anyhow, I came home and wrapped the presents. And then I was lazy and sat in the chair, when I was supposed to go and deliver Christmas presents. Oh well, it is Christmas vacation, and I am supposed to relax. Yesterday evening I tried catching up with all the Youtube videos I’ve missed. But I was too tired (because I am getting older, though I am “forever young”), and decided to let sleep swallow me. Also, as I am writing this, my sister told me not to go downstairs, at which I responded “why, are they wrapping presents for me?”. She responded with a shrug and mumbled something about a transfer. What does that even mean? God, I’m starting to get curious, and it feels like I’m a kid again.

Tomorrow I’m going to a concert, which in hindsight I think now wasn’t the best idea I’ve ever had. I do feel awfully bad about not spending time with my siblings when they are here. And I guess to someone that might sound a bit odd, seeing as it's just for some hours. But to me, family is a great matter. And I am forever thankful for each of my family members. And life is short, and I rarely see my siblings, so I do try to spend as much time as possible with them. Even if it's just sitting in the living room, watching some awful TV-show because your sister likes it. Also, since it
was peer pressure that got me into attending this concert (or just guilt, because I tend to say no to everything my friends suggests), I feel like it was a bad decision. Because doing things because of peer pressure is a big no no. At least for me, it is. I will however not regret it. Because spending time with friends is also one of the most precious things in life. And yes, I do realise I sound really soppy, but it is true. Laughter and smiles and good memories. Surely you can't ever regret decisions that leaves you with those kinds of consequences. Also, I am a firm believer in not regretting a decision when it made you happy the moment you made it. This Christmas seems even busier than last year, which is really surprising, considering last year was a hassle. 

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