søndag 9. desember 2012

now that you can't have me, you suddenly want me

Hiya! I swear, my legs are dead from walking around the mall for five hours. But I guess that might be because of the lack of exercise. You know, if I didn't go to school, I suspect I would be hibernating like a bear. Like, literally sleeping all day. Eating too, though. I bought a few Christmas presents, but also a lot of crap for myself. I never plan on it, but every time I buy tampons (yes, I feel so utterly comfortable with this blog, that I am going to talk about buying tampons), I also end up buying chocolate. And then I feel like I'm in a Bridget Jones movie, and then I think why not throw in a bucket of ice cream too, yeah? And then don't look them in the eyes is a mantra played in my head while standing at the check-out, because you don't want the cashier to judge you either. But the thing is, that I was going to buy tampons, and then by the check-out there was a deal on my favorite chocolate. And then obviously I had to get chocolate too. Because, well, when do you not need chocolate? I'm off to sleep in a few hours. I should probably go to bed soon considering my exam tomorrow. But I've got so much I want to read and so many Vlogmas' I need to catch up on. I am also currently stalking Harry Styles' twitter, because I'm that cool. (I'm also stalking Niall Horan's twitter, but he tweets so damn much - mostly about food and sleeping - that it's hard to scroll through everything). And look at the picture - aren't they the cutest? Oh my god, imagine them as puppies. Oh wow, that would be so cool. I feel like they would be the coolest bestfriends ever. Sorry current best friends, but if One Direction comes along you might get switched out. Each one is so completely different, but they are so good together. Sometimes I forget that they actually are a manufactured band. Like, I can't understand how people still feel the need to ask: are you really friends?

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