mandag 1. oktober 2012

don't over think, just let it go

October, is it? I was slightly freaked out when I awoke this morning and my phone displayed 1st of October.   I do not know if it is only me, but the last three years have gone by so quickly I haven't gotten a chance to reminisce really. They say time travel fast when you are busy having fun. But I cannot remember that studying for school has been fun? Maybe I have just gotten old. Maybe the days simply don't have enough hours anymore. It is not until I look outside the window from my bedroom and spot the tree, that it hits me that the season has changed. The leaves are turning yellow, but there are still spots of green - the last reminder of the Summer. The tree that looks so full and voluminous in Summer, is now looking rather dull and thin. This always leave me slightly glum, because I am always so happy when I see the tree at it's peak. So green and so young-looking. I went to the doctors today in order to remove my stitches, hence this early post. And oh my god, I haven't been this scared for like ever. When that nurse brought scissors and other equipment, I wanted to push her away and run. Instead I tried to breathe evenly and close my eyes as she slightly pulled in the stitches. Sure, it did not hurt as much as I had expected. But I can say that I do not enjoy stitches being pulled out of my body. I have been thinking about the body lately, which is not too weird considering the amount of anatomy I have been reading. It is just so fascinating to me that the body can heal itself. Like, you do not think of human as immortal. But to an extent, the body can be hurt and then heal itself. Just like my wound. The past few days I have been reading Narry (Niall Horan and Harry Styles) fanfiction. And my favorites were stories that resembled the movie 50 First Dates, except they did not end happily as the movie. The last one I read was on my way to the doctor, on the bus. And I felt my eyes twitch slightly, and I just wanted to cry right there, but I didn't. Because I can't have myself sobbing publicly on a bus, can I? Most people have this opinion about fanfiction being really stupid. But sometimes you find the loveliest jewels in midst of all the boring stories. And sometimes I really want to share those jewels, and share that excitement I feel when I read them. But then I know that none will feel the same excitement as I do. I sure can ramble, can't I? Right now I'm about to head over to my friends house, and we are going to study. And eat some pizza.

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