tirsdag 30. oktober 2012

you'll never love yourself half as much as I love you

I want Oreo cake. Like, I really really want it. And not something bought in the stores - I want home made, the real deal. Oh my god, I haven't read any anatomy in a whole week, and now I'm feeling abstinence. I need to get on board again, and start reading. But it's a bit hard when I've got multiple other things to think about too. One Direction had another ustream today, and I only watched the last bit, before they ended it. Gah, it's like they choose to do them when I'm either at school or asleep. But it's fine. I'll watch it on Youtube tomorrow. Or later. Whatever. I've just finished watching the remaining Grey's Anatomy episode. I was excepting a bit of tears, but I think I might have cried too much the past week. If there is anything I love about Grey's Anatomy, it's their music. It's how I was introduced to Mumford and Sons actually. And during this catching up with Grey's Anatomy, I actually heard Youth by Daughter in one of the episodes in season 8.   And then I just thought to myself - if I had continued watching the show, I'd probably discovered it earlier. But hey, better late than never. I might just go to bed soon, seeing as I only slept for five hours today. Ha, I'm getting back into my "five-hours"-sleep routine. But first I might do some writing.

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