I didn't get to watch Sam Smith live at the Roundhouse yesterday. After clicking on the link several times without being directed to a live stream, I read that the live stream was for UK residents. I was not very happy about that, but it did mean I could go to bed earlier, and catch up on some sleep. For some reason I forgot that it was Saturday, and that I can only listen to Grimmy at weekdays. Because I woke up at 7:15 am, washed my face and prepared some brekkie, then I ran upstairs to get my computer. And then it hit me that, my goodness-- I woke up for naught. However, I'd not listened to yesterday's show, so I ended up listening to it whilst having my breakfast this morning. I love listening to Grimmy and the rest of the Breakfast team, because they've got such great banter between each other. I did laugh quite a few times this morning, as per usual. It seems like the perfect time for a jog is a beautiful Saturday morning (10:00 am-ish). There were surprisingly few people around, which made me really happy. I just don't feel very comfortable with a lot of people jogging around me, because my competitive soul instantly ignites. So my inner conversation is something like "oh, I should run past that person, I could totally do that" "c'mon relax, just jog in your own tempo" "oh no, more people watching, should I run faster?". It's quite annoying, so I try my best to concentrate on myself whenever I go jogging. Today was quite easy because there were almost no people out and about. Also, I finally had a quite decent playlist. After my shower, I facetimed with David. Lynx and co is visiting my other siblings (Volla and Lumba), so I've gotten quite a few snapchats of all of them lately. It makes me a bit wistful to not be there with them. Anyway, so I was facetiming with David, and he constantly surprises me. They were going into town, and he was sat in a stroller, holding the phone. And he went like "oh, look at the troll!" and then he turned the phone around to get the troll in shot, before they walked past it. I was a bit flabbergasted, because everyone else was just chatting in the background whilst walking. And afterwards when Volla took her phone, I asked whether it was him who filmed the troll, or not. She confirmed that it was him. My goodness, these technology children, they'll be so far superior when it comes to technology. It's a lot of fun to chat with him, because the past year he's been really chatty. He understands most of what I say, and I understand 80% of the things he says. Because, well, it's hard understanding a toddler sometimes. I realised yesterday, that in exact 14 days-- I'm going to Sweden with the kilo-gang. The thought itself is enough to make me happy. Because no matter what, I always seem to have a great time with them. It actually feels like I've had vacation for three weeks now. Maybe it's because I've managed to do so much within a week. Right, I should go now, because I have to get ready for Oyster's birthday bash. Have a lovely Saturday! Drink too much water! Take care of yourself xx.
lørdag 31. mai 2014
fredag 30. mai 2014
I need someone who understands. I need someone, someone who hears-- for you, I've waited all these years.
Sometimes I'll listen to a new song or an old one just before bed. Yesterday is was 'Til Kingdom Come by Coldplay at 1:30 am. The familiarity of the song made me a bit choked up, and the melody of it gave me associations to Christmas time. I've spent the past week wrapped up in music by Coldplay. And a bit of Sam Smith as well. Admittedly I've had a tiny break from him, just because I've been listening to Sam Smith songs on repeat since I first heard about him in January. But each time I see his music video for Stay With Me (or other songs) on the telly, the corners of my mouth cannot help but turn into a smile. I've just seen that one of his biggest inspirations for his début album was Maria Mena, which makes me love him even more. My father has awoken me far too early the past few days, and I've never felt more like a sixteen year old who has to be dragged out of bed. Ever since my sister has started learning to drive, my father has been engrossed in the idea of me learning as well. I could probably say no, try to go to bed again. But he has been going on about me getting a driver licence for the past three years (if not more), so I let him. I've spent the day reading in the sun. And well, Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell has amused me greatly. Not particularly because I think the book itself is awesome. I think Rowell is categorised as a YA (young adult) writer. But I thought Fangirl was really good because I think the idea is brilliant: a book about someone who writes fanfiction. I also thought it was brilliant because I recognised so much of the "fanfic lingo". Anyway, I am going to spend my night making a playlist for my jogs, because although Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran is a really lovely song, it just isn't very suitable for a jog. Hopefully I'll manage to live stream Sam Smith's concert this evening as well. That would be a perfect ending to my night. Tomorrow will be yet another early day. However, it'll be on my own initiation. And as I did this morning, I might wake up to see the sunrise (that was not intentional-- and I fell asleep again shortly after, because there was no way I was going to wake up at 5:00 am). Anyway, I hope you have a lovely evening and a great morning tomorrow.
torsdag 29. mai 2014
All I know is that I love you so, so much that it hurts. Got a tattoo and the pain's alright. Just want a way of keeping you inside
Jeg åpner et gammelt notat og
jeg leser den i en kronologisk rekkefølge:
8. november 2013 19:09
Jeg åpner et annet
2. januar 2014 14:09
6 timer
Busskort. Dollar
Det som ikke gir mening for meg nå, i dag, gav mening for meg da, den 8 november 2013 19:09, eller 2. januar 2014 14:09. Livet mitt er fullt av smånotater skrevet ned på post-it lapper og mobilen. Husk! NB! Viktig! Jeg ser en gammel mann og kvinne stoppe opp foran en busk med blomster. Hun lukter på de, sier de lukter herlig. "Kom, og lukt på de," sier hun til mannen. Han følger straks ordre, og plutselig står de begge der og lukter på blomstrene. Mitt første instinkt er å ta fram kameraet og knipse et bilde av de. Eller skrive det ned i et annet notat. Kanskje det ville blitt noe som: 28. mai 2014 15:39 gammel mann og kvinne lukter på lilla syrin i lag. Det klør i fingrene-- jeg vil så gjerne dokumentere det. En dag, når jeg ikke lenger husker, skal jeg finne frem til disse sporadiske notatene. Som de fem post-it lappene vi sendte til hverandre i klassetimen. Eller det notatet jeg har på pc'n som aldri ser ut til å stoppe å vokse.
22. desember 2013 15:34
Barbera når vi blir seksti!
22. desember 2013 15:34
Barbera når vi blir seksti!
onsdag 28. mai 2014
it's too cold outside for angels to fly
Hiyaaa! One of the most surprising things at my sisters wedding back in April, was that they kept playing Of The Night by Bastille. It was surprising, because I love that song. Yesterday was spent listening to Coldplay's Ghost Stories whilst drawing. I've got mixed feelings about the end result, but I can't be bothered to try to improve it. The thing about drawing people, is that you have to be patient. Try to stay away from your eraser, and don't draw with hard strokes. Draw an outline of a face, and if you draw a line that looks a bit wonky, it'll help you draw a better line. I woke up between 8-9:00 am this morning, but I stayed in bed to read some fan fiction. Ah, it's one of the perks of having vacation already. My dad and I went to the grocery store, and I picked up some tea-- which I had once we got home. Because I craved some chocolate biscuits, I went to the mall, and bought myself some (treat yo self). I also went to pick up Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. After I read Eleanor & Park, I figured I should look into other books by Rowell. After a bit of research, I came across Fangirl. I thought the title and subject "Fangirl" was very suiting for me. My goodness, once I start reading, I don't seem to stop. On Monday? Or some day, I finished another book that's ace. I recommended it to Ale when I spoke to her yesterday. I want to reread it and just relive it again. You know what? I love Emoji's. I wish I could use them on my computer. It's a good thing you can actually see them on Twitter now. I am currently listening to Grimmy from this morning's show. He did Call or Delete with Sam Smith, so I am looking forward to listen to it, because I've heard it's funny. They're both so pretty and lovely. I follow Dan from Bastille on Twitter, and I love it, because he's always promoting music. Like, 40% is maybe from his own stuff. And then the rest is other artists and his favourite songs. It just makes me really happy, and makes me wish more musicians were like him. It's such a crap society we live in where everything is competition. Musicians should support each other and celebrate music. Likewise should women support each other and not spew hate to each other. Well, that escalated quickly. Anyway, have a lovely evening xx. Enjoy yourself.
a team by ed sheeran,
music talk,
nick grimshaw,
tirsdag 27. mai 2014
clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Look at these stupid fools (sigh). Niall had arranged a football match yesterday for charity. And he had Louis, Liam and Harry from his band to play at the game. Along with other players like James Corden (comedian), Ronan Keating (artist), etcetera. The match was against Piers Morgan's team (he's that guy from Britain's Got Talent). In the end #TeamNiall lost, but I don't think anyone (very few) cared. Regardless of the winner of the footie game (even if it would have been #TeamNiall), the real winner was the charity. One of the highlights of yesterday was Harry's "climb to the top". Harry went from being in charge of the kits, to be an assistant manager, to one of the players, and then to the team captain. He was the most unlikely to score, and yet he did. It was very amusing, because at the start of the game, everyone (on my Tumblr dashboard) was taking the mick out of him, like this. And at the end of the game everyone was like "alright, I guess we can't really tease him any more .. not the next 24 hours anyway". The game lead to this (first and third picture) moment, and my dashboard has been filled with Niall and Harry (these pictures especially) since yesterday. It's made my last 24 hours because I love Narry (Niall and Harry). I can't even say how many times I've seen this hug from different angles. Also, can I just point out how the past four days have been all about Niall (in the 1D fandom). It's been an overload of emotions and I've spent a lot of time between crying, smiling and squealing. This morning my dad and I drove into town to find the Chinese Embassy. It took us ages before we found it, thanks to the nicest lady every. I hope she gets a lot of good karma. At least the trip let me see a lot of nice houses. Now I'll probably go look at houses on Internet. It's one of my favourite past times. When I got home after the trip into town, I had a lovely chat with Ale, which was very nice. Some time this summer she's coming for a visit, so that's nice. After our chat, I went to make myself some tea, but instead I cleaned up the whole living room. Just in time for my mum to get home. And then I drank some tea. One of the things I struggle with when it's holiday, or when I've just got a lot of time on my hands, is to relax. Because I always go around thinking I should do that and that-- it feels like I should always be doing something. I thought of this the other day, and I realised that I have to let myself relax. I should have some time for myself being bored. Goodness knows how much I'll probably miss all of this spare time when I start working. Or when I start school again. I do have a few errands I was supposed to today, though. I'll just postpone it to tomorrow, because I really don't want to leave the house. Anyway, have a really nice Tuesday?? I've lost the overview of which day is which, ha.
happy by pharrell williams,
harry styles,
niall horan,
mandag 26. mai 2014
favourite performances from the where we are tour
Last year I did this thing where I wrote about my favourite performances of the Take Me Home tour. I looked through the post the other day (maybe a week ago? Whenever I don't remember the day, I use the phrase "the other day"), and decided that I should do it for this year too. There are a few things that I don't like about the Where We Are tour though, so here's a list. 1. Although the stage is bigger for the WWA tour, I actually miss the TMH tour stage. I personally think it looked more impressive with the huge see through stairs and the flying plank(??). A slight update-- the stage was different in Croke Park, Dublin. It seemed even bigger (probably because the stadium is bigger), and a bit like a maze to be honest. I still like the TMH stage better though. Regardless for the bigger stage, I don't think they've been very good at utilizing the space. 2. I strangely miss the sense of something akin choreography. Maybe it's just me and my need for structure, but it's something I actually long for. I think their choreographer has loosened the ties a bit too much, because removing almost all sense of choreography also removes the performance aspect. However, I haven't really got a overview of all the performances (haven't actually seen performances of all the songs), so I can't really say much about it. And I know there's a bit choreography in some of the performances, so my argument is maybe invalid? 3. Another thing I miss is a cover song. They don't have any cover song at all. So they went from covering loads of songs on the Up All Night tour, to one at the TMH tour, and then none this tour. I think it's a bit sad, especially since I loved Teenage Dirtbag. And that my friend, was all of my complaints about the WWA tour thus far. What I am happy about is probably the lack of fire by the stage, because Harry is a proper klutz's, and he very nearly walked straight into the fire twice (if not more). We don't want no burn injuries. Also, there's fireworks! This blogpost will most likely be updated as well, seeing as the tour is only one month in. Next up are my favourite performances.
Better Than Words. I'm really not keen on the chorus of this song, but I do enjoy the verses. My main reason for enjoying this performance is because of Liam, Harry and Niall. For some reason they become very enthusiastic in this performance, and very dance-y. Well, I'm not sure if I can categorize Harry's flailing limbs as dancing, but in a Harry "world" it probably is. My favourite part of this song is of course Niall's solo. And that's before the crotch grab thing happened too.
Strong. Everything about Zayn's voice is a favourite of mine in general, but my goodness. His solo before Niall's bridge is so lovely. That's it. That's the only reason why I really enjoy this performance, and most of the others too, because I just really love Zayn's voice. There's a few rumours going around that the new CD (of course they're making a new CD-- it's probably soon finished, and will probably be released in November some time) will contain a song with Zayn rapping? I am all in for that, man. I'm all in for Zayn singing me lullabies with ad libs.
You & I. Sometimes I'll listen to this song when I'm tired and it's late, and the voices will be really soothing. I really dislike the music video, and have tried to avoid it like a plaque. I can't even tell you how many times I've complained about it to Kiwi. I do however love the song, and it's maybe my favourite performance. And that's due to three things: 1. The Niam (Niall and Liam) harmonies during Zayn and Louis' verses. 2. Zayn's high notes (I really enjoy it when he mixes it up a bit). 3. When the whole crowd sings along. First time they performed this, I think-- Liam cried. I don't just enjoy Zayn's high notes, but also when he sings "we can make it if we try, you and I". It's strangely one of my favourite parts. I think I just really enjoy this song, and the vocals are so lovely.
Don't Forget Where You Belong. This is a favourite mostly because of emotional reasons. Whereas all of the other boys wrote songs about love, Niall wrote this song with McFly (one of the many boybands Niall likes to hang out with, ha). It's basically a song about not forgetting your roots, and about keeping "grounded". And I think that the song is one for the boys: "If you ever feel alone–don't. You were never on your own". Like, they spend so much time travelling, being so far from what they call "home", but they spend all that time travelling with each other. So in some ways they are each others home. When asked about which song they related the most to, all of them except Liam answered this one. I think especially the performance of the first night at Croke Park was amazing. Because, well, Niall was at home in Ireland, singing this song about not forgetting your roots.
Best Song Ever. In their movie This Is Us, they're all sat by the fire, and Louis says: "You know what it would just be amazing to be remembered, you know like a mum telling a daughter ‘the boyband of my time, One Direction, they just had fun and they’re just normal guys but terrible, terrible dancers’". I don't know if it was the first time, or the second, or the third, or the hundred time I watched the music video for this song, when I realised one of the meanings behind it. In the bridge, Louis starts singing "you know I'll remember you" and "I know you'll remember me". During this, the music video shows clips of them during the Take Me Home tour. And then Zayn sings "I hope you'll remember how we danced". So albeit it's an upbeat song, it makes me quite sentimental. Because I will always think of an ending when I listen to this song: the end of the This Is Us movie, the end of each gig (it's their ending song), the end of One Direction. On a happier note, I really enjoy the "oh, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah" part. Just because I enjoy it when they allow the crowd to sing along.
Better Than Words. I'm really not keen on the chorus of this song, but I do enjoy the verses. My main reason for enjoying this performance is because of Liam, Harry and Niall. For some reason they become very enthusiastic in this performance, and very dance-y. Well, I'm not sure if I can categorize Harry's flailing limbs as dancing, but in a Harry "world" it probably is. My favourite part of this song is of course Niall's solo. And that's before the crotch grab thing happened too.
Strong. Everything about Zayn's voice is a favourite of mine in general, but my goodness. His solo before Niall's bridge is so lovely. That's it. That's the only reason why I really enjoy this performance, and most of the others too, because I just really love Zayn's voice. There's a few rumours going around that the new CD (of course they're making a new CD-- it's probably soon finished, and will probably be released in November some time) will contain a song with Zayn rapping? I am all in for that, man. I'm all in for Zayn singing me lullabies with ad libs.
You & I. Sometimes I'll listen to this song when I'm tired and it's late, and the voices will be really soothing. I really dislike the music video, and have tried to avoid it like a plaque. I can't even tell you how many times I've complained about it to Kiwi. I do however love the song, and it's maybe my favourite performance. And that's due to three things: 1. The Niam (Niall and Liam) harmonies during Zayn and Louis' verses. 2. Zayn's high notes (I really enjoy it when he mixes it up a bit). 3. When the whole crowd sings along. First time they performed this, I think-- Liam cried. I don't just enjoy Zayn's high notes, but also when he sings "we can make it if we try, you and I". It's strangely one of my favourite parts. I think I just really enjoy this song, and the vocals are so lovely.
Don't Forget Where You Belong. This is a favourite mostly because of emotional reasons. Whereas all of the other boys wrote songs about love, Niall wrote this song with McFly (one of the many boybands Niall likes to hang out with, ha). It's basically a song about not forgetting your roots, and about keeping "grounded". And I think that the song is one for the boys: "If you ever feel alone–don't. You were never on your own". Like, they spend so much time travelling, being so far from what they call "home", but they spend all that time travelling with each other. So in some ways they are each others home. When asked about which song they related the most to, all of them except Liam answered this one. I think especially the performance of the first night at Croke Park was amazing. Because, well, Niall was at home in Ireland, singing this song about not forgetting your roots.
Best Song Ever. In their movie This Is Us, they're all sat by the fire, and Louis says: "You know what it would just be amazing to be remembered, you know like a mum telling a daughter ‘the boyband of my time, One Direction, they just had fun and they’re just normal guys but terrible, terrible dancers’". I don't know if it was the first time, or the second, or the third, or the hundred time I watched the music video for this song, when I realised one of the meanings behind it. In the bridge, Louis starts singing "you know I'll remember you" and "I know you'll remember me". During this, the music video shows clips of them during the Take Me Home tour. And then Zayn sings "I hope you'll remember how we danced". So albeit it's an upbeat song, it makes me quite sentimental. Because I will always think of an ending when I listen to this song: the end of the This Is Us movie, the end of each gig (it's their ending song), the end of One Direction. On a happier note, I really enjoy the "oh, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah" part. Just because I enjoy it when they allow the crowd to sing along.
søndag 25. mai 2014
You'll never know the endless nights, the rhyming of the rain. Or how it feels to fall behind and watch you call his name
At 11:00 pm yesterday, I was sat reading a new book (which is quite hilarious), whilst I was listening to Coldplay's set on Radio 1 Big Weekend. In the midst of it, I stopped my reading, because wait, is that? what? oh my god! Coldplay were doing a tiny cover of Best Song Ever by One Direction. And the whole crowd was singing along. My day had just been so great already, so it multiplied all my happy feelings. I am aware that Coldplay has done tiny covers of One Direction before as well, during their gigs. First time they did it was when Harry was there, which must have been ace, because Harry's always been such a big fan of Chris Martin. Prior to this, I had been cuddled up in the living room by myself with a cup of tea, some chocolate, my book and The Object of My Affection on the telly in the background. It reminded me of my younger self, when I had a telly in my bedroom-- and I'd watch all of these movies before going to bed. And this memory made me very happy, as well as I got to watch a bit of Pretty Woman too, which is one of my all time favourite movies. In addition to this, I've been so overwhelmed with all the emotions that comes along with watching One Direction playing Croke Park. The cheers and roars that rise whenever Niall has a solo, or when the camera is filming him-- it's amazing. And it's lovely how the other boys takes a step back and lets him have his moment. "Help me sing this one to Niall, alright?” Liam said before singing Don’t Forget Where You Belong at the first night at Croke Park. Louis said: "This is for Niall" in one of his speeches. And Harry had a speech about Niall himself. And it felt a bit like a concert dedicated for Niall. I spent most of Friday night crying because of all the emotions with seeing one of your favourite people being so loved and emotional. So there's been so many things that's made me happy the past few days, and it was just topped off with listening to Coldplay yesterday. It wasn't even the One Direction cover, but it was Coldplay themselves-- every gig I watch of them is amazing. And I could just picture myself standing in a green field in Glasgow surrounded with people chanting for Coldplay to do an encore. I love Coldplay, and I said to Oyster the other day: "I want to collect all their CD's". It's strange because I never thought Tumblr was a place you'd go to gain knowledge, but it's raised so much awareness in myself, that I am so grateful. My night yesterday was topped off by listening to Leave Your Lover by Sam Smith just before bed. The music video is gorgeous, and the song itself is also gorgeous. It makes me so happy that I discovered Sam Smith, because he is amazing. His album is released tomorrow I think, and I would have grabbed it if I had the money. But because I'm broke, it'll be a bit of time before I can get my hands on it. I hope you have a splendid Sunday. I know for certain that I'll really enjoy this day, despite the rain and grey skies. Appreciate life, educate yourself about your own rights, and always question everything. Try to lift your head up from the ground, and see all the things you never normally notice.
fredag 23. mai 2014

It's about 1280 km from my house to Croke Park. But my body is tense and excited, like I would be at Croke Park right now. I've gotten really emotional, and it seems like this will be a very tearful evening (might be a tearful weekend). I was watching the Up All Night Live DVD the other day, and it was such a strange sight to see how much they've grown and changed. Thing is, Ireland is a very proud country? They love their fellow Irishmen. And Niall, who has succeeded like nobody would ever believe, and who is a genuinely good lad-- who better could you wish for to represent your country? And now he's performing in Croke Park, which has been his dream. It's where he spent a lot of his childhood watching football, and it's where he went to audition for The X Factor. And now he's there playing another date on their stadium tour. It's funny, because someone once wrote that he should perform at Croke Park to him on Twitter, and he replied that they'd never sell out Croke Park. I'm just going to put a quote here: "It’s not just that these three shows are the biggest of the tour, or that it’s the kick off of the European leg, or even that most of their families are coming to watch them play. There are so many reasons why tonight is going to be very special for this band and their fans worldwide. The reason this performance is the pinnacle of human experience, though, that’s because Ireland knows, they know, and have taught the rest of us in kind, that they chose an idol worth supporting. Have you ever heard a bad word said about Niall Horan? Do people in the streets of Mullingar not honk and shout their hellos when he’s just walking along the street? Does Niall ever speak to anyone, fan or interviewer or heads of state, like anything other than an equal, a friend? As Louis said in TIU, Niall Horan is the heart and soul of this band, and if you try to tell me that the world hasn’t been waiting for this night to show him just how important he is, how much we all love him, then you can get out of my life because I don’t need that kind of lying negativity" (1). My goodness, I love Niall Horan.
eleanor & park
"Eleanor is the new girl in town, and with her chaotic family life, her mismatched clothes and unruly red hair, she couldn't stick out more if she tried. Park is the boy at the back of the bus. Black T-shirts, headphones, head in a book - he thinks he's made himself invisible. But not to Eleanor ... never to Eleanor. Slowly, steadily, through late-night conversations and an ever-growing stack of mix tapes, Eleanor and Park fall for each other. They fall in love the way you do the first time, when you're young, and you feel as if you have nothing and everything to lose". Sometimes I'll go through a book shop, and I'll look at the different books to see if there's something that'll catch my attention. This book has been in the back of my mind multiple times, just because I've seen it so many times in the book shop, or whenever John Green writes something about it on his Tumblr. And I finally decided to read it. I firstly opened it yesterday as I was waiting for the train to arrive, and I was laughing at something when Sally sneaked up on me. "What's made you laugh?" she asked, as I tucked away the book for another lone moment. Reviews of the book says it's surprising, and it was. I told Ale this, when she asked me what I had in my plans for today. There's nothing worse than to read a book that's obvious, where you know what's going to happen before it happens. I had really high expectations to this book, due to three reasons: 1. John Green think's it's ace. 2. There's mix tapes involved. 3. It's supposedly a surprising novel. And well, now, after probably six hours with intense reading, I do love it. I've laughed quite a bit, snorted a few times, and now my face is sticky with dried tears as well. Thanks Rowell, for making me cry. And the characters-- I love both Eleanor and Park. It's hard not to fall in love with them, I think. But yes, top notch, this book. And it's the first I've read this summer holiday. Can't wait to read more by Rainbow Rowell-- I've already ordered two, ha. If you want to read a good book, I'd recommend it!
torsdag 22. mai 2014
in a sky full of stars I think I saw you
Good evening! This day has passed so quickly. I had a good night's sleep, and because I didn't have to go to school until late, I got to laze around in bed and check all my social media. And then I got to read a fan fiction as well. I went to take the bus at 11:41 am, and when I got to the train station, I opened the book I borrowed yesterday. And whilst reading this, I slowly noticed someone walking towards me in my eyesight. It was of course Sally, though I did initially think it was someone else. We went to school to meet my teacher because we had our final assessment today. Because my teacher never stops talking, we ended up sitting there for an hour and a half-- mostly listening to her chatting away. She only started packing up her things, when she saw one of my co-students putting her bag on the table, and getting ready to leave. After finally saying our goodbyes to her, we strolled down to what seems to have been my regular restaurant these past three weeks-- Olivia. (I'm pretty sure we had the same waitress as we did the last time we went there together). We had lunch/dinner together, before one of my co-students had to leave. We sat there for a bit after we were done eating, before we went to get some ice cream. I didn't get any, though Sally did insist on buying me some (I'm very broke). I declined though, because I mostly only like ice lolly's. And especially when it's really warm outside. Which it was today, despite that the sky has been quite cloudy. We actually sat down by the sea for a few hours, and most of us didn't end up leaving until 6:00 pm. I said my goodbyes to everyone, which was bitter sweet. Because although I am very happy about being done with the paper, and school in general (for now), I am probably going to miss my "praksis" group. Funnily enough, when I got off the train, I walked straight past a very waving Sally. (She had left before all of us because she had some errands to do). Course I didn't actually notice her until I saw the back of her head. In my eyesight I did notice someone waving quite frantically, and I just figured it was someone waving goodbye to someone at the train. Oh well, so my day started with meeting her at the train station, and ended with meeting her at the train station again. When we said our goodbyes again, I turned around to walk to my bus. But then I stopped again, because I spotted a lady looking a bit worse to wear. So my instincts kicked in, and I approached her to ask if she was okay. She said so, despite her looking everything else than "okay". But then her friend? came over, so I just accepted her "okay" and left the train station. It's strange, because I didn't even think before I went over to her, like I've just internalised this need to help people. Anyway, when I finally got home, I jumped in the shower. Then I ate, and then I called up Ale, who had called me during the meeting with my teacher. Now I'm just going to do a few school things before it's proper summer holidays for me! Oh goodness, it's actually 22 Celsius in my bedroom at the moment. Might as well walk around in my underwear. Sleep well, or, not? Do what you want, what you want with your body (giggles). Also, before you go to bed or not, you should look through this Tumblr post-- it's puns.
a sky full of stars by coldplay,
onsdag 21. mai 2014
we walk like we're pretty much blind
Right, so after school, I went to the library to pick up the book I had ordered. I was standing in line, waiting patiently for my turn, when the lady at the check out directed the "can I help you?" to me. This was despite the boy that had moved in front of me in the line. I was a bit surprised and grateful that she had actually noticed that I had been waiting in line for longer (not that I was very bothered by this boy who moved in front of me). I gave the book to her so she could check it out for me to borrow. And whilst she was doing this, she asked me: "do you read a lot of books in English?". I answered "erm, yes?" a bit confused, because, well-- I usually use a machine to check out the books I want to borrow when I'm at the library. So I don't usually interact with the employees. "Well, you should totally come with recommendations for books you want us to buy. I can't guarantee that we'll buy them, but we'll definitely take your suggestions in consideration". "Oh, okay, cool," I answered, a bit bewildered. I thought first that maybe she got the hunch that I do a lot of reading because of my loan history which she could probably see on the computer. However, the past ten books I've borrowed has been in Norwegian. Strange. Anyway, I probably didn't have enough sleep last night, though I did luckily sleep through the night. But it did mean that I was really tired when I was sat listening to people present their papers this morning. It got better once I got outside with the fresh air. However, when I got home, I was about to drop off. So I had a little nap, which I'm not so sure was the best decision. My goodness, I need to break out of this strange sleep cycle. Oh, I don't know why I am surprised, but One Direction announced another tour for next year. But I do maybe think it's mostly for the countries they've not been to yet? Like Asian and African countries. I guess One Direction is still going strong, huh? I am really looking forward to the weekend because One Direction will be performing at Croke park in Ireland, home of young Niall. The gigs in Ireland are always ace. Also, it's Radio 1's Big Weekend! Because I am actually done with all school work now, I'm just going to laze around. And I think I am going to start reading that book I borrowed today, because I've been looking forward to it forever. Have a nice evening xx.
tirsdag 20. mai 2014
This ain't love, it's clear to see. But darling, stay with me
Here's the pastel pink coloured house I wrote about yesterday. Instead of just strolling past all of the new places Allie and I discovered yesterday, we properly explored them. We went through Vulkan-- "the little city in the city", which I think is a really cool place. It really does feel like a tiny city within the proper city. And the architecture is very intriguing, and I am very happy to see that they've created green spaces on the top of the buildings. Strangely enough I know quite a few details about sustainable architecture, mostly due to a subject I had back in 'high school' (What's even more strange is that two of the subjects I had my last year at 'high school' was two subjects I hadn't planned to have), so I do recognise how they've chosen to build the apartments, business, etcetera. One of the things located in Vulkan, is Mathallen, which was one of our stops. It was so nice, and everyone was really lovely (mostly because they're trying to sell, but nevertheless). Allie and I spent a bit of time browsing through a few shops, and I found the tea I tasted when I was visiting Lynx back in April. So I'll probably stop by another day to purchase some. Allie kindly enough bought us lollipops made of organic honey (first picture). First thing she said when she'd popped it in her mouth, was: "interesting". It tasted a bit too sugary for us, but I guess it's better than to eat actual lollipops which are stuffed with sugar and whatnot. Yesterday we walked past a church (the first picture in this blog post), and we were just chatting a bit about it, and then we walked past it today too. And then we saw this sign which told us it had a relation to the 200-year anniversary of Norway's constitution. We were just chatting for ourselves, when this woman came out of the cemetery. She had just done a little tour for school kids, so she knew a lot about the church and the history. She showed us some pictures, and then we ended up getting a little tour of the insides of the church with another German pair of tourists. And I think that, of all the people I know, only Allie would be interested in this. So I was happy to share these moments with Allie, who I knew would appreciate just wandering around, discovering new places and listen to a lady talk about history. The point in our little trip was actually to get our poster from the print shop, and then meet up with the others from my "praksis" group at school. But since we'd done the poster, Allie and I decided that the others could take responsibility for the last editing of our paper. Eventually, when the finished the free tour at the church, we went through the cemetery before we headed back to school. Now I'm home, and I really need to finish my last piece of school work, which I didn't start on yesterday. Because yesterday I fell asleep early due to the lack of sleep the day before. And I fell asleep to the calming thunder and lightning. I don't mean that ironically either. I do find that rain, thunder and lightning is really soothing sometimes. And it reminds me of a summer a few years ago when it was always thunderstorms at night. Anyway, it made me feel very refreshed this morning, but I'm scared the sleep cycle will continue, and that I'll end up with five hours of sleep tonight. Bah, but yes-- I'm going to do school work now. And some last words of wisdom for the day: “Don't think about what can happen in a month. Don’t think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be”.
mandag 19. mai 2014
there must've been a time I was the reason for that smile
At 4:00 am I woke up in panic because I thought it was much later than that. Shortly after I fell asleep again, only to wake up at 5:00 am. From then on, it all went south, because I couldn't fall asleep again. So now I'm in a strange cycle of changing between sleeping enough every other day, and not having enough sleep the rest of the days. I only had about five hours of sleep, which is really stupid, because now I feel all drowsy and a bit worse for wear. I told Allie today, when she arrived: "I'm probably not going to be very productive today, so sorry for that". Because nobody wanted to do the poster, Allie and I ended up doing most of the work, and we had to go to the print shop. I am so bad with maps and directions, and I told Allie about Kiwi and I's failed attempt to find a bar. And it's such a ridiculous story, so we had a laugh at that. Despite using the GPS, we managed to walk in wrong direction. But not for very long. Initially, we thought that the print shop was just five minutes away from our school. But when we looked up the way, it turned out to be a 30-minute walk. We could have taken the tram probably, but the weather was so nice that it would have been a shame not to walk. We ended up walking through places we've never been, and it was so lovely. There were a number of small houses in pastel colours with their tiny gardens with fences. One of them was coloured pastel pink, and they even had the rubbish bin in a matching colour. It's perhaps the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I might walk past it tomorrow-- if I do, I'll try to take a picture. Anyway, I had a nice adventure exploring with Allie, and I always enjoy talking with her. I think maybe it's because she's older and wiser, which means she's got a lot of advice. Plus, she sometimes reminds me of my sister, Volla. When I got home, I ditched my jeans for my shorts, and went to sit in the garden. And I was sat outside for hours, until I could feel tiny raindrops. Although it's been a very nice temperature, the sun has mostly been hiding behind the skies, which I think made it all a bit more bearable. It's strange because on Sunday, when the weather was so nice, I was only outside for the one hour and half- hike with Marble. The rest of the day was spent inside my own bedroom. It's strange because last year, I would have gone outside to enjoy the sun. No doubt. Oh shit, I just realised I still need to finish a piece of school work. Would it be stupid to postpone it to tomorrow? Probably. Bah, alright, I'll try to do something now despite my unwillingness and tiredness. And I will console myself with what's probably my favourite picture of Harry Styles. (I'd say it's because I think he looks precious when he's a bit sleepy looking. But I have an inkling suspicion that it's because my subconscious recognise his facial features from my own life-- because maybe his face reminds me of someone else).
søndag 18. mai 2014
I love you when you're singing that song. And I got a lump in my throat 'cause you're gonna sing the words wrong
Lessons in life numero uno with me: When you are vacuuming, and spot your dusty looking computer-- do not underestimate the suction of the vacuum and try to remove the dust by vacuuming your computer. The vacuum might be a bit greedy and pull off the buttons on the keyboard. Which might mean you'll have to dig through the dust and crap your vacuum has accumulated. That is unless you decide you can live without the button for "M". Yesterday was a great day, and I think I might agree with Marble that it's my favourite day of the year. Or, well, I think it shares the first place with Christmas eve. 17th of May is Norways national day, and it's like the whole country turns into something else for a day. It's indescribable, and we were a bit amused by the tourists yesterday, because man-- Norway celebrates the national day like nobody's business. If the tourists weren't aware of it being the national day, they might go back to their homes and tell tales about the Norwegians in their strange clothing and songs and whatnot. I slept over at Marble's with Kiwi, and we had a good and deep chat about life decisions and problems. We went to bed quite early, which is almost unheard of to me when I'm at Marble's. Despite my wishes to fall asleep, I simply couldn't. I fell asleep at approximately 3:00 am, after listening to cats argue outside the window, and after tweeting "Sleep won't come no matter how much I toss and turn". It might have been related to the fact that I slept for eleven hours the day before, which I haven't done since forever. I woke up at 8:30 am, or so. We had a proper brekkie and watched the telly for a bit, before we got ready for the day. Then we had the champagne breakfast with cake and champagne. Once I have a glass of some kind of liquid in hands reach, it doesn't take long until I drink it up. And this might not be the best trait when it comes to alcohol. I've no idea how many glasses I drank, because Marble kept refilling my glass. But my goodness, pavlova is one of my all time favourite cakes, and Marble always make it so good. We went into town at 3:00 pm: I had an ice lolly, enjoyed a bit of the music, tried to absorb a bit of the atmosphere. And then we met up with Sugar, before we went to sit down. And well, during the whole day, we were sat at four different places. My belieber friend arrived when we got to the second place, where we all ate pizza. The others had a few alcoholic beverages (I drank one Gin Russian), and we sang along to different songs like Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey because it never gets old. I don't think I could compare this night to the last year's one, because they were so different (here's the blogpost from the last years celebrations, and here's the blogpost for the celebrations in 2012). But I am always happy when I get to be with some of my favourite people. And we always have such great laughs at the strangest things. It always does make me quite grateful to have such great friends who are all very unique and intriguing. And who accepts me for the person I am. Because it is actually something that not everyone gets to enjoy. The national day in general makes me quite grateful for most things, and especially the wonderful country I am lucky enough to live in. It's so easy to take for granted. Anyway, due to a dead battery on my phone, I woke up a bit later than planned today. Had breakfast whilst watching reruns of yesterday's celebrations on the telly, which made me a bit sad I didn't go to town early to catch all the shenanigans. But I was somewhat consoled by the chocolate cake I was eating whilst watching, ha. My dad had just been out with my sister, because she's currently learning to drive. And when he got home, he said: "come on, I saw an empty parking lot. Let's go practise". I had yet to wash my face, plus I was sat in my exercise tights and my sleeping shirt. Let's not even talk about my unruly hair. But I ignored all of that, ran to get my shoes on, and then my dad drove to the parking lot. And well, until this day, the closes I've ever been to driving a car, has been to change the gear for my sister. Whilst we were standing still and weren't in traffic. So to say my experience is limited, is quite sparse. Because the car we were driving has an automatic transmission, it was quite easy to get the hang of things. I actually drove to Marble's (!!!), because I was supposed to fetch all of my things. I had originally planned to jog to her house, so I had changed into my exercise clothing. But then my dad told me I should drive to her house, and well, I did. He's going to be so insufferable now, and try to get me to practise driving all the time. But to be honest, driving is a lot more fun than I had expected. I was only at Marble's house for five minutes or so, before we went for a little hike trough the woods. It was so nice, because the weather has been amazing today. And because Marble and I share a love for hiking and the nature. One day when one of us gets a driver license, we'll drive to different places in Norway and climb mountains and whatnot. It's one of my many dreams.
riptide by vance joy,
the kilo-gang
onsdag 14. mai 2014
we fell in love as the leaves turned brown
Hiya mates! Yesterday was a very tiring day with lectures from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm or so? In the end of the lectures I was about to fall asleep, which isn't exactly a good sign. But the first lecture was ace, I think, so I guess it was somewhat worth it. The kilo-gang was assembled for the first time in ages, and we were our usual selves for the most part. When we were sat in the cafeteria after the lectures were done, I saw this guy who looked like "Leonard" from The Big Bang Theory. It was seriously uncanny. I'm pretty sure I just said "oh my god," before Sugar turned to me and said "yeah, I know". I was startled out of my own thoughts, and I must have looked quite bewildered, because it felt like she had read my thoughts. I can't remember whether we exchanged any words like: "he looks like.." until we had to explain it to Kiwi and my belieber friend, but I don't think so. So basically, Sugar and I had a telepathic conversation yesterday (ha). I'm just going to try to transfer my thoughts to her the next time I see her. On our way to the train station, my belieber friend and I were nearly soiled on by a flock of pigeons. Or well, I don't actually think any of the 10(???) pigeons took a crap, but the point is that they could. My belieber friend and I hunched in on ourselves in hope to not be hit by any crap. Also, we might have squealed a bit? I don't know, my memory is crap (ha, pun). I got home and exercised a bit whilst listening to Grimmy, which is a thing I've started doing lately. Just because it makes me concentrate on what he's saying rather than my pain when I'm doing hip lifts (ugh, I hate those). My goodness, I watched a video of Nick Grimshaw yesterday, and I realised with a shock that I actually think he's quite fit. Like, I was drawn in by his caricature-like eyes and grin, and I was actually giggling. I listen to his radio show so much, and I'm already so fond of him as a person. So, it was strange to look at a video of him babbling like he does on the radio. Bah, I should just stop fancying unattainable people. Today I had an emergency course? I'm not quite sure what to call it, but we were given a few cases that we needed to solve. I did some CPR, felt up some people, listened to people breathing, felt people's pulses, and whatnot. The stain from the fake blood is nearly gone by now, finally. But yeah, it was really good, and I had a laugh. I spent a bit of time yesterday making a schedule for the next few weeks, and generally just trying to get my life on (some) track. It's a month until we're (the kilo-gang) going to Sweden, and it's three days until the national day. It makes me so excited.
mandag 12. mai 2014
They're playing "Chasing Cars" and I thought of us, back to the time you were lying next to me. I looked across and fell in love
I've read it so many times in the fictions I've spent all my life memorising: they can't keep eye contact with the other person, they quiver. And I have said to myself that when the day comes for me to look directly at someone, I'll not bow down. I promised myself to look and hold their sight-- let myself blink maybe, but not look away. It's like the promise was erased the second I looked at you, because you made me quiver, you made me bow down, and you made me look away. It wasn't until you were gone that I remembered my promise. Hiya, sweet peas. I've probably spent the last two hours in my bed switching between laughing and crying because of a bloody fan fiction. Goodness, there's nothing as great as reading something that's surprisingly good. When you're reading fan fiction there's a lot of good ones, and then thousands of average ones, and then a hundred of thousands of bad ones. Because I didn't know of this writer, I started reading the fiction thinking it was average, but it was really good. Also it's about a topic that's quite controversial, and very individual. It's hard to write something that's going to be realistic, in addition to funny and sad. However, this fiction really did all of the above. In other words: it's fucking ace! (my sister asked me why I kept saying "ace", and I answered with a shrug-- "I really don't know"). And it's made me all philosophical about the whole world and humanity. I can't wait to read it again, sometime in the future when the memory isn't as fresh in my mind. Anyway, I was at school between 9:00 am to 3:00 pm today, and I personally thought the time flew right by. By the end of the editing session, I genuinely felt like I'd been at school for two hours. I'm not so sure whether that's a good sign, or if it's not, considering we were doing edits to our paper. I'll probably go through it once tonight, just to fix a few errors. It's not supposed to be done until next week, I think. OH, I also had an ice lolly today, which was a great idea of me. I love ice lollies. Because I've been taking a later train that I usually do, I've been taking the bus with this couple. And it wasn't before Friday that I realised they also took the same train as me. Because on Friday the guy was suddenly sat right beside me, and today they were standing right in front of me. It's strange, because it almost felt like I was following them? You know how you sometimes walk behind a person for a long time, because they're going the exact same way as you? And then you get all paranoid that they will think that you're following them, and blah. It felt a bit like that today. There was also a lady standing in front of me who I recognised the face off. The problem was that I couldn't attach her face to a name, or to why I know her face. And I've scratched my brain, but I still can't remember who she is. Right now I'm catching up on the Breakfast Show with Grimmy, and all the videos from the past tour dates of the WWA tour. The south American leg of the tour is done, and they've not got any gigs for 10 days I think. And then they'll be playing in Dublin, which is probably my favourite tour dates, because the Irish loves Niall. And he loves them back. I think there's something so nice about it, and probably one of the reasons as to why I am in love with Ireland. The loyalty of the country? Like, if you're Irish, or even have a little bit of Irish blood in yourself, you're an equal, and apart of the family. It might just be my romantic views of Ireland, but I refuse to believe it's not like that. Somehow my brain associated this with something that reminded me of the strange dream I had about my belieber friend and Darren yesterday. I just-- you know, sometimes I try to analyse my dreams in order to understand myself a bit better. But I just cannot find a secret message behind this dream? It's just so strange. Right-- I am going now, honest.
søndag 11. mai 2014
such a novel life, he thought, while knowing nothing at all
I feel like I've been walking around and worrying about the weekend being over too soon, and now it's about to be over. The upcoming week is sort of our last week to get everything done for our paper. The only problem is that we also have a day full of lectures on Tuesday and then something on Wednesday. But it'll be alright, because we're on the right track, and we've done loads already. We've only got the final editing to finish really. Plus I am sort of excited for Tuesday because I think it might be a lecture for all of the classes. And then the kilo-gang might be assembled together again. We had a face-time chat with Lynx and David this morning, and we might be babysitting their dog when they're going on holidays. I say might, because my mum doesn't want a smelly dog in the house. But I reckon I can convince her, ha. I feel like a small child begging my parents for a dog. I can't wait though, because I love their dog, and he's so cuddly. He's a bit like a child to be honest, because he sometimes demands attention. He'll sit and whine at you until you let him sit in your lap and pet him. It's one of my favourite things to do when I'm at Lynx and Grepper's-- after everyone's gone to bed (because they'll have work), I'll sit in the corner of the sofa watching whatever's on the telly, and the dog will cuddle into my side. Apart from the booing, I really enjoyed Eurovision yesterday. I think that Eurovision should first and foremost be about gathering Europa and do something positive together, rather than politics. I am aware that Russia isn't the most popular country per today, but I don't think that should be conveyed in booing the Russian entry which consisted of what? 17 year old girls? As my sister said: "they don't deserve that". However, I did really enjoy the Danish hosts, and I enjoyed the humour. Most of all, I really enjoyed the part where they thanked the commentators and Graham Norton's surprised face. One of my favourite parts of the show are the votes. It's always funny with the delays, and I never understand why they don't make the airtime longer, because the votes always takes ages. My favourite song was probably Something Better by Softengine (Finland). I said to Monchita: "once my belieber friend told me that my music taste limits to 17-year old boys," and then we both looked at the telly, where the band members between 17-19 years were performing their song. And I looked back at Monchita: "I guess she's right". It wasn't my favourite song to win Eurovision, but I think they were really talented. I hope they go far in the future. Despite that Eurovision should be entertainment, I personally thought the win was a bit of a political statement as well. And well, I'm not against the win at all. And I really appreciated Conchita's last words about the win. Speaking of political things, I want you to read this post on Tumblr, because I think it's an important subject. I spent some time reading news and thought about politics, which is something I don't do very often. I think that if I actually wanted, I could become really invested in politics, because I get so agitated. On a happier note, if you like cats, you should read this Tumblr post (the "authorities" are the owners) or this Youtube video (it's quite hilarious). Anyway, I'm going to do a bit of school work now, and then enjoy the rest of the weekend.
something better by softengine,
lørdag 10. mai 2014
when the stars are the only things we share, will you be there?
My sister gave this chocolate egg to me this morning, whilst I was still in bed. I was chuffed, because chocolate. Apart from that I've read far too many fan fictions today. One about werewolves too, which is a bit too far from my comfort zone, because I'm not very into fantasy. And all wolf-related things doesn't really appeal to me. But it was good, and I've bookmarked it. The leaves on the tree outside my window is finally turning into the right green colour-- it's been looking a bit too yellow-y considering it's May. I told my sister about this, and I ended up saying: "so that's what I do these days, I observe trees". Speaking of trees, my mum almost cut down a whole tree today. I was a bit surprised when I walked past the window in the kitchen and saw all the branches on the grass. I've been reading about methods in research today; a lot about surveys and construction of questions. I didn't finish my school work yesterday, which is why I'm doing it now. It's not too bad, seeing as I actually think method is strangely interesting. It might have something to do with the book too though, because it's very straightforward. My goodness, yesterday I watched Essiebutton's newest vlog, and they went to see Grand Designs live. I ranted about this to Monchita, and I said "they really are my soul mates". It gives me hope that I'm not the only person who enjoys architecture, Grand Designs and Kevin McCloud. I went through my "favourite performances from the take me home tour" blogpost yesterday, and decided I should do it for the Where We Are tour as well. I'll probably write it in two weeks, when I'm done with the paper. Today I am going to watch the Eurovision final-- in three hours actually. I'm looking forward to snuggle up in front of the telly with some chocolate. Have a nice Saturday xx.
fredag 9. mai 2014
You say that it's hard standing still. Don't you know that I spend all my nights counting backwards the days 'til I'm home
My dad was worried about my health when he saw what he thought was a burnt toast on my plate. "It's not good to be putting all these burnt stuff in your body," he said as he walked out the door, too late to hear my reply "it's not even burnt!". I've really needed this day off from school. I slept for nine hours and woke up at 8:00 am. Then I had a proper breakfast with avocado on toasted bread and a cup of tea. It was really nice and calming. I went to the store to pick up my dad's birthday gift. It's a brand new barbecue grill, and we set it up. It's actually twice the size of our old one, so my dad was a bit surprised. I can't wait to put it in good use. And when Lumba comes down for summer to live with us, we'll probably have a BBQ each day. It's two months till I turn a year older, which means it's soon summer. Oh, and hopefully next week I'll have time to read a book I've been wanting to read for ages. I just have to get my hands on it first. I really want some chocolate, but it's not Saturday, is it? I scrolled through Tumblr, and I could laugh of how much of a pimp Ben Winston looks with Zayn and Harry. I'm going to spend my day doing some school work, and some other things I need to get done. I'm just a bit befuddled, because I've listened to Grow Old With Me by Tom Odell quite a few times. And I've always wondered about one of the lines in the song, if what I heard was correct, or if I was just wrong. But now I googled the lyrics, and well: "Make me hard, make me come. Make me feel like I'm real and alive". It's definitely not such a sappy love song like I initially thought, ha. Anyway, right, hope you're all having a nice day.
torsdag 8. mai 2014
sweetheart, what have you done to us?
Yesterday it was one year since I went to the One Direction concert. That much I told Kiwi, and then she asked me if it's not strange to think that I am going to see them again. If one year ago, I'd ever believe that I was attending another concert. And no, I would never believe it, and I made amends with that fact. And it just shows how you can never truly plan on things in life. Which is something I said today as well, as my "praksis" group was sat at Olivia, having lunch/dinner. We were talking about having kids and whatnot, and then one of the girls asked me: "what about you then? When are you planning to have a baby?". And I told them that it'll come when it comes, that I can never plan on such a thing because life is so unpredictable. They all hummed in agreement. Yesterday was a bit stressful. I was sat at school from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm editing our paper with my "praksis" group. I was stressed out because the time was working against me, because I had to go home and then be back in the city at 6:30 pm. So I got an hour at home before I had to run outside, hoping that I'd brought with me everything I needed for a sleep over. Kiwi and I went to a showing of Bad Neighbours that has a premier tomorrow in Norway. I laughed a lot, and so did the crowd. I don't necessarily think it's a really great movie, but that's mostly because it's straight up a comedy movie. And they usually don't give me anything (there's no proper message with the movies), they're only light entertainment. But I enjoyed looking at Zac Efron's muscles, and the man who presented the movie at the start (ha). And goodness, it's going to be difficult to get the picture of the fight between Zac Efron and Dave Franco out of my mind. Goodness, that was hilarious. The atmosphere in the room where we were sat was good, and I pointed out to Kiwi that I think we hang out at a lot of places where "hipsters" do. So the conclusion is that we're definitely hipsters. Because we're failures at reading maps, we ended up going back to Kiwi's earlier than planned. Whilst preparing tea before bed, we had a chat with one of her flatmates. And then we went to prepare for bed, before we both went through our Tumblr dashboards. And because Harry Styles and Niall Horan was spotted at the pool in Brazil, my dashboard had exploded with updates. Plus I hadn't had any chance to go through it the one hour I was at home. I was actually really knackered last night, because I can't remember a lot of the things we discussed in bed, but I do remember me explaining my love for One Directions friendship and their interactions with each other. And how I think they act with each other. Because I had plans of being at school at 7:00 am today, it wasn't the smartest move to go to bed at 1:00 am. I ended up with five hours sleep, which is two hours less than my "minimum hours of sleep each night" rule. However, it's alright as long as I don't keep it up like that. I was supposed to be at school early because I needed to finish writing on my parts of the paper, and because I went to see Bad Neighbours with Kiwi yesterday, I didn't have time for it. So I went to school, wrote for a bit, and then I went to a meeting at 9:15 am to talk about the findings of our research with the research group that has the responsibility for the research project. It was me and another from my group, and then another girl from the other group. And though I've had close to nothing to do with the findings, it went alright. My teacher was rather chuffed, told us she was proud of us afterwards. I'm just glad it was over. And after that I was sat still editing my part of the paper. Whereas my "praksis" group was sat editing out paper together. I came to join them at the end because I was too tired to work with my own part. Then we went out to eat a lunch/dinner together, which was really nice. I do enjoy my "praksis" group even when were at school, because we're quite open with each other. After sitting around until 4:00 pm, we decided to leave. I'm now finished showering and eating, and I think I'm just going to go read in bed. Firstly I might go through my Tumblr dashboard (there's a lot of activity now too, because now Zayn has been spotted shirtless by the pool, which is a rarity). And then I'm going to sleep, because I need more sleep.
tirsdag 6. mai 2014
Best I ever had, hips don't lie. You make me wanna .. one more night
In order to create, we must destroy. Is that not the strangest thing you've heard? An oxymoron that shouldn't make sense, but does. I usually think to myself with a sigh that human race have destroyed so many things. But I've forgotten to take all the things we've created in consideration. I was lying in bed most of the day yesterday because I was so knackered. I don't feel much better today seeing as I had a very tiring meeting with my teacher. I've learned how to nod convincingly without actually listening to her. In two weeks we're presenting our paper, and I hope we'll be done by then because it's starting to tire me out. However, I know it could have been so much worse. I've had a bit of a talk with my mum about her trip a few hours ago. She got home yesterday but she was sort of really tired. She told me she almost missed her plane because she had gone to the wrong gate. And in reply I told her about that time Sugar and I almost missed our plane. Whenever I fly now, I almost always have a nightmare of missing my plane a few days before I'm leaving. Anyway, I've just been watching Sweat The Small Stuff, because well-- my love for Nick Grimshaw is just growing each day. But it's hilarious, and I'll never forget the episode where that girl says she's had saucy dreams about him, and he's like "ewww" because he doesn't actually fancy women. Right now I'm watching videos of the Where We Are Tour, and although I don't necessarily love Better Than Words, I do really enjoy the performance. They (Niall, Liam and Harry) are so enthusiastic in this performance, like they really enjoy the tune and dance their little awkward dance moves (or, well, to be fair Liam is probably the best dancer in their group, and he's actually quite good. Niall isn't too bad either. Harry, well, he's Harry). Well, mostly I've just been watching Niall, because most people put their cameras on him during this performance. And it might have something to do with this obscene gesture. Oh how the crowds scream! I will probably too (in five weeks????). Sleep tight, I'll have a busy time schedule tomorrow, so I need to get some rest.
mandag 5. mai 2014
there's a piece of you in every song I sing
On the way to Lynx and Grepper's house, there's a field that's owned by a farmer. And he's got all these sheep there, lounging around eating grass. I always stop to look at them when I'm with David, because when you're little everything is so fascinating. Volla, Lumba, David and I had been on a trip to the local coffee shop one day, when we walked past this field on our way home. The sheep were gone, which was a bit stupid, as we were trying to keep David awake in his stroller (he doesn't take afternoon naps anymore, because then he doesn't sleep well throughout the night) by entertaining him with the sheep. But we didn't think more about it, because sometimes they go into the little forest and do whatever sheep do. And we didn't think more about it until we had walked past the field, and past a lot of houses, when Lumba suddenly stopped and pointed to the army of sheep that had somehow managed to escape the fenced field, and were currently snacking on grass in someone's garden. We were a bit bewildered, because, what do you do when (if) you see a flock of sheep on the run? Well, after a bit of a brain storm, Volla called her friend who sent her the number to the farmer who owns the sheep. Because in a small town like this, you do apparently have the number to the farmer in town. We called the farmer, and he jumped right into his car and drove to where we were still stood, a bit stunned. He got out of the car, emitting a very relaxed attitude, despite saying this had never happened to him before. Then he let his dog out of the car and blew in a whistle. And all of a sudden they were all running. Poor lamb fell down on it's four legs, before it scrambled up again and ran after the others. With the speed they were running, I was a bit scared there would be some kind of accident with oncoming cars. But we didn't hear more about it, so I reckon nothing happened. And well, that's another snippet from my trip in April.
running back to you by for the foxes,
søndag 4. mai 2014
It's four A.M. and I know that you're with him. I wonder if he knows that I've touched your skin.
I've got this horrible habit of accidentally putting my snapchats on "my story". It's so stupid because there's no regret button, and then I just have to survive with sending off a private snap to everyone. But it's happened so many times now that I've stopped caring that much. I spent my afternoon with Kiwi; I finally got to see her new place and it was really lovely. Then we went out to enjoy the sun and have something to eat. We decided to sit down at a sort-of-boat, and in the end I started feeling the waves. Especially when we went to the loo-- I could definitely feel the waves, and it made me slightly nauseous. Then we went to Tjuvholmen and sat down by the ocean. It's my very favourite spot to sit during the nice weather. We caught up on things, because although it actually feels like I just saw Kiwi-- well, when I think of it, it's not been that long since I met her at school. Nevertheless, a lot of things has happened in that time. After the sun started to go away, making the wind turn more apparent; And after I spent a tense minute watching children jumping across the flowerbeds right beside me (which if you look at the second picture, I was sat right by the ocean), scared they'd fall into the sea-- we decided to leave. And what a departure! We had some lads sing James Blunt's very own You're Beautiful just as they walked past us. It's funny because that song is lovely reminder of when I was 12 and at school camp, and the boys used to serenade the girls with that song. God, we were so strange. Anyway, I've had a lovely day and I was gladly surprised by the warmth of the sun. I had initially thought that the weather would be colder, and I've been expecting snow this whole week because I think it was Oyster who mentioned something about snow to me. I'm currently at home; I've eaten, cleaned the dishes, gone out with the rubbish and I've used the hoover downstairs. And now I'm just staring at a half naked Harry and Niall in a hotel corridor. Well, Harry is wearing shorts whereas Niall is in his boxers. And the latter is running around? I don't quite understand. I snapped a picture to Kiwi not long ago, and I was a bit paranoid I'd push the "my story" button again. I think then, that I'd be a bit more mortified if I accidentally put a picture of half naked boys on "my story". Goodness, can you imagine? How would my older sisters react? Ha. I'm going to go through my Tumblr dashboard and then get ready for bed (with new bedsheets, ah). Sleep tight xx.
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